Teaching your kids about Easter at home… made super simple.
It’s easy to leave the Easter teaching for our kids up to the teachers in children’s church, isn’t it? There is so much that is important to talk about regarding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, it can be totally overwhelming to teach at home. I get it!
What if we go ahead and do it anyway, yeah? I think one of the most important things we can do for our families is to have an open conversation about Jesus in our homes on a regular basis! After all, home is where the foundation is laid for some of life’s most important lessons. And I would argue that the Word of God is up there on that list of most important life lessons!
Proverbs tells us to train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. The best place to train is at home. It’s where we are most comfortable and can be ourselves without feeling insecure about anything. We are loved unconditionally there and accepted. So let’s capitalize! I think Easter is such an easy place to start having real and regular conversations about Jesus.
That being said, I know it can be difficult to know how to edit down the Bible so that it makes sense to our kids. It’s also hard to know what part of the story is the most important part to share. Knowing all of that, I decided to make something easy for all of us to have a conversation about Jesus over Easter weekend.
The way I like to chat about things at home with my kids is usually while we are doing something else. I love to talk about the real meaning of Easter and why we celebrate while we dye Easter eggs. Another great time to have conversations is while my kid’s draw or color. Sometimes it’s simply while we eat dinner together. Mealtime is a great time to have great conversations… It’s one of my favorites!
Whenever you decide to talk about Jesus this Easter, know that you are planting seeds and opening the door to more conversations about the Lord and His Word! It’s a beautiful thing.
SO! Grab this little book, print it off, and have some fun with your kids while you teach them about Easter. And walk strongly into some sweet moments of learning about God’s goodness with your kids. There really isn’t anything sweeter!
And let me know how it goes!! Cheering you on.
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